DataPA Enterprise Dashboard Controls API Reference

The LoginInformationRequiredEventArgs type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LoginInformationRequiredEventArgs()()()()
Creates and returns a new LoginInformationRequiredEventArgs object for a non Dynamics login
Public method LoginInformationRequiredEventArgs(array<String>[]()[][], array<String>[]()[][])
Creates and returns a new LoginInformationRequiredEventArgs object for a Dynamics login


  Name Description
Public property Cancel
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the user cancelled this login request.
Public property Companies
Gets a string array containing the available companies for this dynamics login.
Public property DynamicsLogin
Gets a property that indicates if this is a Dynamics login request.
Public property Languages
Gets a string array containing the available languages for this dynamics login.
Public property LoginDate
Gets and sets the login date selected by the user.
Public property Password
Gets and sets the password entered by the user.
Public property SelectedCompany
Gets and sets the company selectd by the users.
Public property SelectedLanguage
Gets and sets the language selected by the user.
Public property ShowAlwaysUseCheckBox
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the user can select the Always use these credentials setting.
Public property Title
Gets a property that allows the title to be read and set for the login request.
Public property UserName
Gets and sets the username entered by the user.

See Also