DataPA Enterprise Dashboard Controls API Reference
Contains the DashboardDesigner control, and all objects that build a DataPA Enterprise Dashboard.


  Class Description
Public class AlertCondition
Class to define a condition for an alert on a dashboard object
Public class AlertConditions
An enumerated collection of AlertCondition objects.
Public class ApplyingDataGridLayoutEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in ApplyingDataGridLayoutEventArgs event.
Public class ApplyingDataViewerLayoutEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in ApplyingDataViewerLayoutEventArgs event.
Public class AutoRefreshQueryRequestEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in AutoRefreshQueryRequest event.
Public class BeforeBuildObjectEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in BeforeBuildObject event.
Public class CalculatedColumn
Class to define a calculated column to be added to a dataset in a dashboard query
Public class CalculatedColumns
An enumerated collection of CalculatedColumns.
Public class Category
Class to define a particular Category for a dashboard alert
Public class ColumnPreferences
Object to store column preferences.
Public class ControlPanelObject
Object that represents a single control object on a DashboardObject with the ObjectType of ChartTypeControlPanel.
Public class ControlPanelObjects
An enumerated collection of ControlPanelObjects.
Public class CubeDataRenderer
Builds a cube from a specified data set.
Public class DashboardAfterRefreshDataArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in AfterRefreshdata event.
Public class DashboardAlert
Class to define an alert on a dashboard
Public class DashboardAlertEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in Alert event.
Public class DashboardAlerts
An enumerated collection of DashboardAlert objects.
Public class DashboardBeforeRefreshDataArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in BeforeRefreshdata event.
Public class DashboardDesigner
Enterprise Dashboard control that exposes functionality to view and edit DataPA Enterprise ManagedDashboard objects.
Public class DashboardFilter
Specifies the data filter to be applied to a data source for a dashboard object.
Public class DashboardFilterCondition
Specifies a single condition for the data filter to be applied to a data source for a dashboard object.
Public class DashboardFilterConditions
An enumerated collection of DashboardFilterCondition objects.
Public class DashboardLoader
Provides methods to re-create saved ManagedDashboard objects
Public class DashboardModifiedEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in DashboardModified event.
Public class DashboardObject
Object that represents a single visual object on a DashboardTab object.
Public class DashboardObjectEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in event srelating to a dashboard object.
Public class DashboardObjects
An enumerated collection of DashboardObjects.
Public class DashboardPublishEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in BeforeSave event.
Public class DashboardQueries
An enumerated collection of DashboardQueries.
Public class DashboardQuery
Dashboard wrapper for a DataPA.Query object, allows specification of timing events.
Public class DashboardSavingEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by ManagedDashboard in BeforeSave event.
Public class DashboardSkin
Defines the skin used to define the appearance of the Dashboard.
Public class DashboardSkinSeriesDetails
Defines the details for a specific series in the dashboard.
Public class DashboardTab
Object representing a visual tab on a Managed dashboard.
Public class DashboardTabs
An enumerated collection of DashboardTabs.
Public class DataProviderGroupColumn
Public class DataProviderSumColumn
Public class DataViewerColumn
Object representing a data viewer column column.
Public class DataViewerColumns
Public class DateTimeFilterValue
Specifies the date time value to be used in a filter condition.
Public class dgQueryString
Public class dgShowFilterString
Public class DrillDown
Handles drill down functionality for DashboardObjects.
Public class DrillDownEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by Dashboard in BeforeDrillDown and AfterDrillDown events.
Public class DrillDownGridColumnDetails
Event aurguments passed by Dashboard in BeforeDrillDown and AfterDrillDown events.
Public class DrillDownRequestEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardObjectPanel and FlashBrowsers in DrillDownRequest event.
Public class FileDialogEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner before showing the file dialog.
Public class FilterNode
Class that represents a specific node in a treeview filter panel.
Public class FilterNodes
An enumerated collection of FilterNodes.
Public class GaugeData
Object that resolves data values for a gauge
Public class GroupColumn
Object representing a grouping column.
Public class GroupColumns
An enumerated collection of GroupColumns.
Public class HyperlinkEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by BeforeHyperLink and BeforeHyperLink events of the DashboardDesigner object.
Public class ManagedDashboard
Object represents a visual Dashboard that can be opend, closed, saved, viewed and edited.
Public class PreProcessKeyDownEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in the ProcessKeyDownEvent.
Public class ProcessDataRequestEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by Dashboard in ProcessDataRequest event.
Public class QueryConnectionDetail
Object to store details of the refresh state for the query and a given connection.
Public class QueryConnectionDetails
Object to determine the connection handling properties of a query.
Public class Range
Object representing a range for a Gauge
Public class RangeCollection
Public class RangeValue
Object representing a value of a range for a Gauge
Public class RequiredFieldValueRequestEventArgs
Event aurguments passed by DashboardDesigner in RequiredFieldValueRequest event.
Public class Series
Class to define a particular series for a dashboard alert
Public class SeriesValue
Class to define a particular series value pair
Public class SummaryColumn
Object representing a grouping column.
Public class SummaryColumns
An enumerated collection of SummaryColumns.
Public class SummaryData
Stores the definition and implements summary data.
Public class SummaryDataProvider
Provides intermediary summary data to improve performance when managing summaries.
Public class YAxis


  Structure Description
Public structure DashboardObject..::..ColumnFormatStruct
Describes how to format the content of a column in the grid



  Delegate Description
Public delegate CalculatedColumn..::..ValuesPopulatedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..AfterDashboardPublishEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..AfterDrillDownEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..AfterHyperlinkEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..AfterPreparePrintEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..ApplyingDataGridLayoutEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..ApplyingDataViewerLayoutEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..AvailableCommandsChangedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforeBuildObjectEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforeDashboardPublishEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforeDrillDownEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforeFileDialogEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforeHyperlinkEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..BeforePreparePrintEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..ClickEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..DashboardClosedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..DashboardOpenedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..DashboardRenderedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..DblClickEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..DoubleClickDashboardObjectEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..PreProcessKeyDownEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..ProcessDataRequestEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..RequiredFieldValueRequestEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..SelectedQueryChangedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..SelectedTabChangedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardDesigner..::..TabsModifiedEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardObject..::..DataGridLayoutUpdateRequestEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardObject..::..GridDataGenerateCompleteEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardObject..::..TreeViewDataGenerateCompleteEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardObject..::..xmlGenerateCompleteEventHandler
Public delegate DashboardQuery..::..ServerRequestCompleteEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..AfterLoadEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..AfterRefreshDataEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..AlertEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..AutoRefreshQueryRequestEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..BeforePublishEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..BeforeRefreshDataEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..BeforeSaveEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..DashboardModifiedEventHandler
Public delegate ManagedDashboard..::..RequiredFieldValueRequestEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ControlPanelObject..::..ControlPanelFilterControlType
Type of filter control.
Public enumeration ControlPanelObject..::..ControlPanelImageDisplayType
Type that determines how a background image is rendered
Public enumeration ControlPanelObject..::..ControlPanelObjectType
Type of DashboardObject.
Public enumeration ControlPanelObject..::..VerticalAlignment
Vertical alignment enumerated type
Public enumeration DashboardAlert..::..AlertTypeEnum
Type that expresses the type of alert
Public enumeration DashboardDesigner..::..DashboardPageType
Enumerated Type that represents the different docking pages available in the dashboard control
Public enumeration DashboardDesigner..::..DashboardPalette
Enumerated Type that represents the different palette styles that can be applied to the dashboard control to change its and any child forms appearance.
Public enumeration DashboardFilterCondition..::..FilterConditionValueTypeEnum
An enumarated type that expresses the type of value used for this condition
Public enumeration DashboardModifiedEventArgs..::..DashboardModifiyAction
Type of dashboard modification.
Public enumeration DashboardObject..::..DashboardLabelOrientationType
DashboardObject label orientation type.
Public enumeration DashboardObject..::..DashboardObjectType
Type of DashboardObject.
Public enumeration DashboardObject..::..DashboardXmlDefinitionType
The XML definition type of a DashboardObject.
Public enumeration DashboardObject..::..DataGridDefaultColumnFitType
Default column width type
Public enumeration DashboardObject..::..DataGridDisplayStyleType
The type of datagrid display style
Public enumeration DashboardQuery..::..DataManageTypeEnum
Public enumeration DashboardSkin..::..StyleEnum
Public enumeration DateTimeFilterValue..::..DateTimeFilterType
Types of date time filters.
Public enumeration DateTimeFilterValue..::..DateTimeFilterValueType
Types of date time filter values.
Public enumeration DrillDown..::..DrillDownTypeDef
Type of drill down.
Public enumeration DrillDown..::..ProcessButtonLocationType
Position of the process button
Public enumeration FileDialogEventArgs..::..FileOperationType
The type of file dialog operation a FileDialogEventArgs object is associated with.
Public enumeration GaugeData..::..AnnotationPositionEnum
Enumerated type that expresses the positioning of labels within a gauge
Public enumeration GroupColumn..::..PivotTableDimensionType
Pivot table column dimension type
Public enumeration ManagedDashboard..::..DashboardClientTypes
Enumerated Type that represents the different types of client that could be consuming a dashboard. This type is used to perform possible different behaviour for each type of client.
Public enumeration QueryConnectionDetails..::..ConnectionHandlingTypeEnum
Public enumeration Range..::..RangeTypeEnum
Enumerated type that expresses the type of range value for this object
Public enumeration RangeValue..::..MinMaxEnum
Enumerated type that expresses whether this range value represents a minimum or maximum
Public enumeration RangeValue..::..ValueTypeEnum
Enumerated type that expresses the type of range value for this object
Public enumeration SummaryColumn..::..DataGridSummaryColumnFormatType
Type representing the type of formating that will be applied to the column in a datagrid.
Public enumeration SummaryColumn..::..PivotTotalSourceType
Type representing how averages in a pivot table are calculated
Public enumeration SummaryColumn..::..SummaryDataDisplayType
Type representing the type of object that will be used to display this summary column.
Public enumeration SummaryColumn..::..SummaryDataSummaryType
Type representing the summary operation this column will use.
Public enumeration SummaryData..::..SummaryDataDateGroupType
Date display type.
Public enumeration SummaryData..::..SummaryDataIterationType
Type of iteration.
Public enumeration SummaryData..::..SummaryDataMonthType
Month type.
Public enumeration SummaryData..::..SummaryDataShowGroupType
Type of grouping.
Public enumeration SummaryData..::..SummaryDataSummarySortType
Type of sort.
Public enumeration YAxis..::..YAxisTypeEnum
A value that indicates the type of YXaxis