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DashboardDesigner Methods DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The DashboardDesigner type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method AddDashboardObject
Adds a new DashboardObject to the current tab.
Public method AddDashboardObjectsContextMenu
Builds and returns a context menu with items for each Dashboard Object.
Public method AddNewTab
Adds a new DashboardTab object to the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public method AllPagesFromObject
Returns a collection containing all page objects referenced by a DashboardObject.
Public method AutoRefreshOnClient
Gets a value that indicates if dashboards should autorefresh on the client.
Public method CancelRefreshQuery
Public method CheckForUpdates
Checks for any available updates.
Public method CloseDashboard
Closes the currently open ManagedDashboard object. If force TRUE, the user will not be prompted to save any changes.
Public method CopyDashboardObject(String)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard object.
Public method CopyDashboardObject(DashboardObject)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard object.
Public method CopyDashboardTab(String)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard tab.
Public method CopyDashboardTab(DashboardTab)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard tab.
Public method CreateDashboard
Create a new ManagedDashboard object and opens it in the control.
Public method CreateQuery
Creates a new query in the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public method CutDashboardObject
Copies to the clipboard and deletes the Dashboard object.
Public method CutDashboardTab
Copies to the clipboard and deletes the Dashboard tab.
Public method DashboardObjectControlFromID
Returns the control that renders a dashboard object in the dashboard
Public method DashboardObjectFromID
Returns a DashboardObject object referenced by a given ID.
Public method DashboardObjectPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a DashboardObject ID.
Public method DashboardObjectPageFromObject
Returns a containing page object referenced by a DashboardObject.
Public method DashboardPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public method DashboardTabPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public method DashboardWorkspaceFromID
Returns a containing Workspace object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public method DashboardWorkspaceFromPage
Returns a tab workspace object from the contained page.
Public method DeleteDashboardObject
Deletes the Dashboard object.
Public method DeleteQuery
Deletes the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified
Public method DeleteSelectedTab
Deletes the current selected DashboardTab objects.
Public method EditDashboardObject
Opens the object definition dialog box for the Dashboard object.
Public method GetDataViewerDisplayLayout
Gets the layout of a specific data viewer as an XML string.
Public method GetDataViewerKeys
Gets a collection that contains the key of each available data viewer in the dashboard.
Public method GetDockingLayout
Gets the current docking layout to and from an XML string.
Public method GetTabLayout
Gets the layout of a specific tab in the form of an XML document string.
Public method HideDataViewers
Removes all the source data dataviewers from the display
Public method ImportDashboard
Imports a dashboard and adds it to an existing open dashbpoard.
Public method Initialise
Method that needs to be called before the control can be used.
Public method IsPageShowing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the docking page specified by PageType and Index is visible. (Index is only applicable if the PageType is DashboardPageType.DataViewer, and refers to the index of the specific DataViewer page in the DataViewerPages array.).
Public method LoadDashboardLayout
Applies the layout stored in the tabs LayoutXML property to the display.
Public method ManageSchedule
Shows the DataPA ManageSchedule dialog.
Public method ModifyQuery
Modifies the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified.
Public method OKToClose
If the control contains a ManagedDashboard object with unsaved changes, will prompt the user to save the changes. returns False if the user selects cancel.
Public method OpenDashboard
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk.
Public method OpenDashboardDelayedRender
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk and delays the rendering of the dashboard until after a query is refreshed.
Public method OpenDashboardErrorHandled
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk, allowing override of default error handling.
Public method OpenDashboardFromByteArray
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from byte array.
Public method OpenDashboardFromService(String)
Shows the dialog to allow the user to open a ManagedDashboard object from a DataPA Enterprise Service.
Public method OpenDashboardFromService(String, String)
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from a DataPA Enterprise Service.
Public method PasteDashboardObject
Creates a new DashboardObject in the DashboardTab specified by SelectedTab using the contents of the clipboard.
Public method PasteDashboardTab
Creates a new DashboardTab in the dashboard using the contents of the clipboard.
Public method Print
Prints the current ManagedDashboard object
Public method PrintPreview
Opens the print preview dialog for the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public method PrintSetup
Opens the print setup dialog for the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public method PublishDashboard
Publishes the current Dashboard to a remote DataPA Enterprise Server.
Public method RebuildDisplay
Rebuilds the display.
Public method Refresh (Overrides ControlRefresh.)
Public method RefreshAllObjects
Forces a redraw of all the Dashboard objects.
Public method RefreshObject
Forces a redraw of the given Dashboard object.
Public method RefreshQueries
Refreshes all the querys.
Public method RefreshQuery
Refreshes the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified.
Public method RestoreDockingDefaults
Restores the window docking to the default configuration.
Public method SaveDashboard
Saves the current managedDashboard object to disk.
Public method SaveDashboardLayout
Updates the Tab.LayouXML property from the currently displayed layout.
Public method SelectedTabWorkspace
Gets the workspace container of the currently selected DashboardTab.
Public method SelectTab
Selects the DashboardTab object specified by Index.
Public method SetAutoRefreshOnClient
Method to set a value that indicates if dashboards should autorefresh on the client.
Public method SetDataViewerDisplayLayout
Applies an XML layout string to a specific data viewer.
Public method SetDockingLayout
Sets the docking layout from an XML string.
Public method SetTabLayout
Sets the layout of a specific tab using an XML document string.
Public method ShareQuery
Shares the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified
Public method ShowAbout
Shows the About window.
Public method ShowCachedAddresses
Shows the cached addresses dialog
Public method ShowCalculatedColumns
Shows the calculated columns dialog.
Public method ShowDashboardObjectHTML
Opens a window showing the HTML source for the Dashboard object.
Public method ShowDataManagement
Shows the Data Management dialog
Public method ShowEditTabTitle
Displays the Edit Tab Title dialog box to allow the tab title to be edited.
Public method ShowHelp
Shows the help file.
Public method ShowHideWindow
Allows specific docking windows to be shown and hidden.
Public method ShowLastRunDetails
Shows the details of the last run of a query.
Public method ShowManagePublished
Shows the Manage Published dialog.
Public method ShowProperties
Shows the properties dialog
Public method ShowRegister
Shows the DataPA License dialog.
Public method ShowSecurity
Shows the DataPA Security dialog.
Public method ShowSelectConnection
Shows the DataPA SelectConnection dialog.
Public method ShowSetup
Shows the DataPA Setup dialog.
Public method TabWorkspaceFromPage
Returns a containing workspace object referenced by contained page.
See Also