DataPA Enterprise Dashboard Controls API Reference

The ServerSecurity type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ServerSecurity()()()()
Creates and returns a new ServerSecurity object.
Public method ServerSecurity(Boolean)
Creates and returns a new ServerSecurity object.


  Name Description
Public method ApplyEnterpriseLicense
Applies an Enterprise licence to the server.
Public method GenerateSetupGUID
Generates a new Setup GUID. Called when the setup is changed.
Public method GetAgent
Gets a DataPA Enterprise Agent.
Public method GetObjectData
Public method ReleaseAgent
Releases the DataPA Enterprise Agent.
Protected method SetObjectData



  Name Description
Public property AdditionalHeaderText
Gets and sets additional text that will be added to each page in the DataPA Enterprise Web application.
Public property AgentLogging
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether Agent logging is enabled.
Public property AgentRetryInterval
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of seconds to wait before retrying an agent loack after it has failed.
Public property AlertImagePath
Gets and sets the folder which the alert images will be stored in
Public property AllowAnonymousWebAccess
Gets and sets a property that indicates if this implementation of DataPA Enterprise allows anonymous web access.
Public property AllowPersonalHomePage
Gets and sets a property that indicates if users are allowed to set their own home page.
Public property AppendToLogFile
Gets and sets a property to indicate if the log file shown be appended to.
Public property ApplyUserSecurity
Gets and sets a value that indicates if user security should be applied to this server.
Public property AutoRefreshInWeb
Gets and sets a property that indicates if dashboards will be automatically refreshed in a web page when refreshed by the server.
Public property AutoRefreshRetry
Gets and sets the interval that a web page waits between repeated attempts to refresh a dashboard.
Public property BackupOnSave
Gets and sets a property to indicate if the service will take a backup copy of the security settings and setup files before each save operation.
Public property BLToAssignGroupPrivileges
Gets and sets a value that indicates if a business logic routine on the server should be used to assign privileges to groups.
Public property BLToAssignUserGroups
Gets and sets a value that indicates if a business logic routine on the appserver should be used to assign users to groups.
Public property BLToDefineGroups
Gets and sets a value that indicates if a business logic routine on the server should be used to define groups.
Public property BLToFilterConnections
Gets and sets a value that indicates if a business logic routine on the appserver should be used to filter the connections available to a user.
Public property BLToFilterSubjects
Gets and sets a value that indicates if a business logic routine on the appserver should be used to filter the subjects available to a user.
Public property Categories
Gets and sets the CategoriesCollection that represents the categories defined for this server.
Public property Clone
Gets a clone of this object.
Public property CollaborationLogging
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether Collaboration logging is enabled.
Public property ContentBarTitle
Gets and sets a property that determines the string used to identify the settings bar in the DataPA Enterprise Web page.
Public property DashboardObjectJsonMaxSize
Gets and sets a property that indicates the maximum data size in kilobytes of a dashboard object. This limit exists to prevent data that is too large affecting performance and security.
Public property DashboardStyle
Gets and sets a value that indicates the dashboard style to be used when rendering dashboards in the web
Public property DaysToKeepAlertImages
Gets and sets a property that indicates how many days to keep alert images for before they are deleted.
Public property DefaultHomePage
Gets and sets a property that indicates the dafault home page for the web interface.
Public property DefaultHostURL
Gets and sets a host URL used for links in alerts
Public property DocumentFileStorePath
Gets and sets the folder which the document files will be stored in
Public property EmailErrors
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether users should be alerted of errors via email.
Public property EnterpriseDataFileFormat
Gets and sets a property that indicates the Enterprise Data Location File Format.
Public property EnterpriseDataLocationType
Gets and sets a property that indicates the Enterprise Data Location Type.
Public property EnterpriseExpiryDate
Gets the Enterprise License Expiry Date that has been applied to this server.
Public property EnterpriseLicenseType
Gets a value that indicates the type of the Enterprise license that has been installed on this server.
Public property EnterpriseLicenseValid
Gets a value that indicates if a valid Enterprise license has been installed on this server.
Public property EnterpriseNumAgents
Gets the number of Enterprise License Agents that are licensed on this server.
Public property EnterpriseSerialNum
Gets the Enterprise Serial Number that has been applied to this server.
Public property ErrorFromDisplayName
Gets and sets the email display name that error emails will be sent to when an error occurs
Public property ErrorFromEmail
Gets and sets the email address that error emails will be sent to when an error occurs
Public property ErrorToEmail
Gets and sets the email address that will be used to send emails sent when an error occurs
Public property Groups
Gets and sets the GroupsCollection that represents the groups for the server.
Public property GUID
Gets and sets a GUID that uniquely identifies this object.
Public property ID
Gets a value that indicates the Unique ID of this object.
Public property InfoFileStorePath
Gets and sets the folder which the information store file will be stored in
Public property LogFileThresholdSize
Gets and sets the size in bytes that will be the log file threshold.
Public property LoggingCategories
Gets and sets the logging categories setting.
Public property LoggingMethods
Gets and sets the logging methods setting.
Public property LoggingTypes
Gets and sets the logging types setting.
Public property MaxDashboardsinMemory
Gets and sets the maximum number of Dashboards that can be loaded into memory as objects which can then refresh themselves at the intervals set.
Public property MaxDashboardsinMMF
Gets and sets the maximum number of Dashboards that can be loaded into memory as memory mapped files.
Public property MaxInfoFileSize
Gets and sets the maximum size in bytes that will be allocated in memory for the info file that contains details of the published content. This is stored as a Memory Mapped File and size needs to be pre allocated.
Public property MaxNumLogFiles
Gets and sets the maximum number of log files that should be created.
Public property MaxUserDirSize
Gets and sets the maximum size in bytes that will be allocated to each users for report and query results.
Public property MMFInactiveTimeout
Gets and sets the number of seconds after which inactive Dashboards will be unloaded from their memory mapped file.
Public property PageTitle
Gets and sets a string that determines the page header for the DataPA Enterprise Web page.
Public property SecurityAppServer
Gets and sets the security AppServer URL.
Public property SecurityFileStorePath
Gets and sets the folder which the security store file will be stored in
Public property ServerID
Gets a unique identifer for this server
Public property ServerLockCode
Gets and sets the server lock code
Public property ServerPassword
Gets and sets the Password used by the service when connecting to an AppServer to refresh a query set to auto refresh.
Public property ServerUserName
Gets and sets the username used by the service when connecting to an AppServer to refresh a query set to auto refresh.
Public property SessionFreeEnterpriseDataLocationAppServer
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the Enterprise Data Location AppServer used operates session free.
Public property SettingsBarTitle
Gets and sets a property that determines the string used to identify the contents bar in the DataPA Enterprise Web page.
Public property SetupCRC
Gets a value that identifies the last saved time and size for the setup files.
Public property SetupFileStorePath
Gets and sets the folder which the setup files will be stored in
Public property SetupGUID
Gets a value that is a unique identifier that changes each time the setup stored on the server changes.
Public property ShowSignInWhenGuest
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the sign in buttons are shown when a user is logged into the web site as a guest.
Public property SMTPAuthenticate
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether authentication is required for the SMTP server.
Public property SMTPPassword
Gets and sets the password to be used when authenticating the SMTP Server.
Public property SMTPServer
Gets and sets the SMTP Server which will be used to send email
Public property SMTPServerPort
Gets and sets the SMTP Server Port Number which will be used to send email
Public property SMTPSSL
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether SSL should be used for communication with the SMTP server.
Public property SMTPUserName
Gets and sets the username to be used when authenticating the SMTP Server.
Public property StartAutoRefreshDelay
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of seconds to wait before starting the auto refresh of Dashboards after the DataPA Enterprise Service has started.
Public property StateFreeSecurityAppServer
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the security appserver is state free.
Public property SuspendAutoRefresh
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the auto refreshing of dashboards should be suspended.
Public property TreeViewNodeClickDelay
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of milliseconds delay between a user clicking on a treeview node and the request being processed.
Public property TwitterAccounts
Gets and sets the TwitterAccounts object that defines twitter accounts this server can post to.
Public property UserAgentRetry
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number times to retry the getting of an agent lock for a user request.
Public property UserAgentRetryInterval
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of milliseconds to wait before retrying an agent lock from a user request after it has failed.
Public property Users
Gets and sets the UsersCollection object that represents the users that have access to this server.
Public property UseSecurityAppServer
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the server uses an AppServer to validate users.
Public property UseSSL
Gets and sets a property to indicate if SSL should be used with the mobile apps.

See Also