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ShouldItemBeExportedArgs Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
When ExportData runs, it raises the ExportThis event for every system and subject in the set-up data. The caller must handle said event, which passes an instance of this class. The caller should examine the read-only properties an set the ExportItem property to indicate whether this item should be exported
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAClientConfig
Assembly: DataPAClientConfig (in DataPAClientConfig.dll) Version: (
public class ShouldItemBeExportedArgs : EventArgs

The ShouldItemBeExportedArgs type exposes the following members.

Public methodShouldItemBeExportedArgs
Initializes a new instance of the ShouldItemBeExportedArgs class
Public propertyExportItem
Set this to TRUE to export the current item, FALSE to skip it.
Public propertyIsFunction
TRUE means the current item is a function, FALSE means it is not a function.
Public propertyIsSubject
TRUE means the current item is a Subject, FALSE means it is not a subject.
Public propertyIsSystem
TRUE means the current item is a System, FALSE means it is not a system.
Public propertyObjectID
If IsSubject is TRUE then this holds the Subject ID, if IsFunction is true, holds the function ID.
Public propertyObjectName
Returns the object name
Public propertyObjectType
Gets a property that indicates the type of object being exported
Public propertySystemName
If IsSystem is TRUE then this holds the System name.