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DashboardDesignerIsPageShowing Method DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the docking page specified by PageType and Index is visible. (Index is only applicable if the PageType is DashboardPageType.DataViewer, and refers to the index of the specific DataViewer page in the DataViewerPages array.).

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public bool IsPageShowing(
	DashboardDesignerDashboardPageType PageType,
	int Index = 0


Type: DataPAEnterpriseDashboardDashboardDesignerDashboardPageType
The type of page.
Index (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
If the PageType is DashboardPageType.DataViewer, the index of the specific DataViewer page in the DataViewerPages array.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
True if page is shown.