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DashboardDesigner Events DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The DashboardDesigner type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public event AfterDashboardPublish
Event raised after a dashboard publish process has completed.
Public event AfterDrillDown
Event raised when a drill down link is clicked on a dashboard object, after the drill down is processed.
Public event AfterHyperlink
Event raised when a Hyperlink is clicked on a dashboard object, after the hyperlink is processed.
Public event AfterPreparePrint
Event raised when the control completes the prepare print operation.
Public event ApplyingDataGridLayout
Event raised before the control applies a layout to a data grid dashboard object.
Public event ApplyingDataViewerLayout
Event raised before the control applies a layout to a data viewer.
Public event AvailableCommandsChanged
Event raised when an action changes the available operations. This event is useful for enabling and disabling the containers controls to reflect which operations can and cannot be performed.
Public event BeforeBuildObject
Event raised before the control builds each object on the dashboard.
Public event BeforeDashboardPublish
Event raised before the current dashboard is published.
Public event BeforeDrillDown
Event raised when a drill down link is clicked on a dashboard object, before the drill down is processed. Setting the DrillDownEventArgs.Cancel property to true in the handler for this event will prevent the drill down from processing.
Public event BeforeFileDialog
Event raised before showing the file dialog.
Public event BeforeHyperlink
Event raised when a hyperlink is clicked on a dashboard object, before the hyperlink is processed. Setting the HyperlinkEventArgs.Cancel property to true in the handler for this event will prevent the hyperlink from processing.
Public event BeforePreparePrint
Event raised when the control begins the prepare print operation.
Public event Click
Public event DashboardClosed
Event raised when a ManagedDashboard object is closed by the control.
Public event DashboardOpened
Event raised when a ManagedDashboard object is opened by the control.
Public event DashboardRendered
Event raised when the control renders a dashboard
Public event DblClick
Public event DoubleClickDashboardObject
Event raised before a double click event is processed on a dashboard object.
Public event PreProcessKeyDown
Event raised before a key down event is processed by the control.
Public event ProcessDataRequest
Event raised when the user selects the process button on a drill down data grid.
Public event RequiredFieldValueRequest
Event raised for each Required Field that is not assigned a valid ControlPanelObject, before the query is run.
Public event SelectedQueryChanged
Event raised when the SelectedQuery property changes.
Public event SelectedTabChanged
Event raised when the SelectedTab property changes.
Public event TabsModified
Event raised when a dashboard tab is added, deleted or has its title changed, or when the order of the tabs is changed.
See Also